With the certification standards we offer, your business will gain a competitive advantage and the ability to constantly improve its processes and credibility with customers and suppliers alike.

ISO 9001 - Quality Management System

ISO 9001 (Quality Management System)

ISO 9000 is a family of standards for quality management systems. ISO 9000 is maintained by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization and is administered by accreditation and certification bodies. Some of the requirements in ISO 9001 (which is one of the standards in the ISO 9000 family) include:-

  • A set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business;
  • Monitoring processes to ensure they are effective;
  • Keeping adequate records;
  • Checking output for defects, with appropriate and corrective action where necessary;
  • Regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness; and
  • Facilitating continual improvement

Advantages of ISO 9001 Certification

It is widely acknowledged that proper quality management improves business, often having a positive effect on investment, market share, sales growth, sales margins, competitive advantage, and avoidance of litigation.

The quality principles in ISO 9001 are sound and also provide a comprehensive model for quality management systems that can make any company competitive. ISO 9001 increases net profit and implementing ISO 9001 helps an organization achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

ISO 9001 Implementation Results in the Following Direct Advantages of the Organization:

  1. Create a more efficient and effective business environment.
  2. Increase customer satisfaction and retention.
  3. Reduction in customer complaints by having Right – First Time.
  4. Enhance marketing and branding of the organization.
  5. Improve employee motivation, awareness, and morale.
  6. Promote international trade.
  7. Increases profit by having enhanced control over processes.
  8. Reduce waste and increases productivity.
ISO 14001 - Environment Management System

What is ISO 14001 EMS Standard?

An ISO 14001 EMS addresses the impact of a company's activities, products and services on the environment. The EMS provides a formalized structure for ensuring that environmental concerns are addressed, and works to both control a company's significant environmental impacts and achieve regulatory compliance. The ISO 14000 family includes most notably the ISO 14001 standard, which represents the core set of standards used by organizations for designing and implementing an effective environmental management system. Other standards included in this series are ISO 14004, which gives additional guidelines for a good environmental management system, and more specialized standards dealing with specific aspects of environmental management. Essentially, the standards are concerned with what an organization does to minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities: either during production or disposal, either by pollution or by depleting natural resources.

Benefits of ISO 14001

ISO 14001 provides a framework for implementing an EMS which meets an organization's stakeholder interests. This systematic approach can lead to benefits like the following:

  • Reduce liability and risk
  • Facilitate better business processes
  • Minimize waste and energy bills
  • Lower distribution costs
  • Improved corporate image
  • Improve compliance
  • Meet concerns of interested parties
  • Gain international recognition
  • Improve marketing potential

Key Elements Implementing ISO 14001 EMS

  • Environmental Policy Statement
  • Identification of Significant Environmental Aspects & their impact
  • Development of Objectives and Targets
  • Implementation Plan to Meet Objectives and Targets
  • Identifying Training requirements
  • Management review
OHSAS 18001 / ISO 45001 - Occupational Health & Safety Assessment System

What is ISO 18001?

OHSAS 18001:2007 is the Internationally Recognized Standard for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management Systems

The standard provides a framework for organizations, regardless of their complexity or size, to holistically manage their occupational safety and health hazard. The OHSAS 18001 is designed to enable organizations to demonstrate their commitment towards providing a safe and efficient working environment by identifying and understanding their OHS risks and by improving upon their performance by actively managing these activities. The OHSAS 18000 family of series is the emerging standard set for managing occupational safety and health. It consists of two publications most notably OHSAS 18001; this is the "Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Specification". It was developed in response to demand for a recognized standard against which occupational safety management systems can be assessed. Other standards included in the series are OHSAS 18002, which provides guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001 and explains the requirements and progressive steps towards implementation/registration.

The rationale behind OHSAS 18001 is to continuously minimize occupational hazard risk in the workplace, which in turn improves company productivity.

Benefits of OHSAS 18001

  • Improve efficiency and reduce accident and production time loss.
  • Potential cost savings-workers compensation, manufacturing disruptions.
  • Demonstrate commitment to the production of Staff, Property and plant.
  • Demonstrate legal compliance
  • Allow standardization within companies with multiple operation sites
  • Systematically plan, control, and monitor operations through operation controls.
  • Enhance reputation for safety and occupational health
  • Reduce Insurance premiums
  • Become integral part of a sustainable strategy
  • Encourage more effective internal and external communication
  • Increased employee awareness and involvement
  • Improve safety culture
  • Positive image with customers and stakeholder


Health Safety Policy

  • Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls
  • Legal and other requirements
  • Objectives and OHS program(s)
  • Resources, roles, responsibility, accountability and authority
  • Competence, training and awareness
  • Communication, participation and consultation
  • Operational control
  • Emergency preparedness and response
  • Performance measuring, monitoring and improvement
ISO 22000 - Food & Safety Management System

WHAT IS ISO 22000?

ISO 22000: 2005 is the international standard on Food Safety Management Systems published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in September 2005.

The ISO 22000:2005 FSMS is designed to enable organizations to control food safety hazards along the food chain in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of consumption. The standard provides international harmonization in the field of food safety standards, offering a tool to implement HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) throughout the food supply chain. The goal of ISO 22000 is to control, and reduce to an acceptable level, any safety hazards identified for the end products delivered to the next step of the food chain.

The ISO 22000 family of series is the emerging standard set for managing food safety. It consists of most notably the ISO 22000:2005 standard; this is the “Food Safety Management System Specification” covering the requirements for implementing ISO 22000 in any organization. Other standards included in the series are ISO 22004:2005, which provides guidelines for the implementation of ISO 22000:2005. This standard is applicable to all organizations, regardless of size, involved in any aspect of the food chain. This includes organizations directly or indirectly involved in one or more steps of the food chain, such as.

  • Primary producers (Agriculture, Aquaculture, Horticulture, Dairy etc.)
  • Food processors and manufactures
  • Retailers, storage facilities and transporters.
  • Hospitality sector – Hotels, Restaurants, Catering institutes
  • Service providers to food establishments - pest control, cleaning etc.



  • Reduction in food safety incidents and cost
  • Compliance with legal and Codex HACCP principle
  • Lower risk of liability
  • Reduced risk of insurance payments
  • Fewer errors and customer complaints
  • Continual improvement in products & processes
  • Resource optimization – internally and along the food chain
  • Sustainable food safety performance
  • Improves consumer / supplier /regulator confidence and relationships
  • Platform for process and management control and improvement
  • Competitive advantage in the marketplace.
  • Promotes international trade
  • Improved overall performance



  • Plan, implement, operate, maintain and update its food safety management system.
  • Demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements.
  • Evaluate, assess and conform customer requirements related to food safety.
  • Effectively communicate food safety issues to its suppliers, customers and relevant interested parties in the food chain.
  • Conforms to its stated food safety policy.
  • Demonstrate such conformity to relevant interested parties.



  • Prerequisite programmes
  • Communication
  • System Management
HACCP Certification - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

HACCP principles, developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, are an internationally recognized effective food safety risk management system. It is a systematic preventive approach which identifies, documents, controls and reviews potential hazards that occur during the process. HACCP is used in the food industry to identify potential food safety hazards so that key actions can be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of the hazards being realized. The system is used in all stages of food production and preparation processes, including packaging, distribution and etc.

ISO 13485 - Medical Devices (Quality Management System)

You can’t buy trust.  Build it through ISO 13485.

ISO 13485 is the quality management system standard for medical devices. This standard applies the ISO 9001 process approach to quality, and replaces ISO 13485 and ISO 13488. ISO 13485 provides an effective base model for compliance with the EU CE marking Medical Devices Directives requirements. ISO 13485:2003 is also considered to be fully compatible with the FDAQSR. ISO 13485 is an international standard, recognized throughout the world for establishing a business management system specific to the medical device industry. ISO 13485 is applicable to organizations that manufacture private label medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, and medical components. The ISO 13485 standard supplements ISO 9001 and has many of the same requirements. Some of the additional requirements to ISO 9001 requirements relate to

  • Design controls,
  • Risk management,
  • Environmental controls,
  • Special processes (e.g. Software validation),
  • Traceability, record retention, and
  • Regulatory actions (such as vigilance), ISO 13485: 2003 has been harmonized against the medical device directives.
  • Medical Devices Directive
  • Active Implantable Medical Devises Directive,
  • In Vitro Diagnostic Directive

This means that compliance with this standard automatically demonstrates compliance with the specific parts of the directives that require a quality management system.

Formal certification of quality management system, specifically for medical devices, to ISO 13485:2003 proves advantageous, for medical companies which export their products to the global market.

  • In the European Union, the fulfillment of EU Directives (e.g. Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive, Medical Devices Directive and In Vitro Diagnostic Directive) allows the free trade of medical devices.
  • Canada requires that medical device manufacturers marketing their products in Canada must have a quality system certified to ISO 13485 by an accredited certification body.

ISO 13485: 2003 represents the requirements that medical device manufacturers must incorporate into their management systems. The current document supersedes its 1996 incarnation as well as EN 46001, EN 46002 and ISO 13488.

Though based on ISO 9001, 13485 removes 9001's emphasis on continual improvement and customer satisfaction. In its place is an emphasis on meeting regulatory as well as customer requirements, risk management and maintaining effective processes, namely the processes specific to the safe design, manufacture and distribution of medical devices.

13485 is in part designed to produce a management system that facilitates compliance to the requirements of customers and— pre-eminently—various global regulators. While being certified to 13485 does not fulfill the requirements of either the FDA or foreign regulators, the certification aligns an organization's management system to the requirements of the FDA's Quality System Regulation (QSR) requirements as well as many other regulatory requirements found throughout the world. Therefore, 13485 certification serves to create a management system that can be thought of as a framework on which to build compliance to various regulatory and customer requirements.

13485 dictates that risk management must be thoroughly documented and conducted throughout a product's entire life cycle, from initial concept to delivery and post-delivery. However, the standard leaves the specifics to a related standard, ISO 14971: 2001, Application of Risk Management for Medical Devices.

While 13485 states that a manufacturer's management team is charged with the management of device related risks and the development of risk management plans, 14971 defines a list of steps to be taken by management in order to fulfill risk-related requirements. While it is not mandatory that a manufacturer be 14971 certified in order to attain 13485 certification, being certified to the former standard can ease the attainment of certification to the latter.

Benefits of ISO 13485 Certification

ISO 13485 implementation improves / leads to:-

  • POLICIES & OBJECTIVES set by 'top management'
  • Conformance to Legal and Regulatory Requirements
  • Recognition by regulators around the world of ISO 13485:2003 as a good basis for addressing medical device design and manufacturing regulatory requirements
  • Controlled consistency of manufactured products
  • Managed productivity and efficiency, controlling costs
  • Competitive advantage and increased marketing and sales opportunities.
  • Improved customer perception of the organization's image, culture and performance.
  • improved internal and external Communications
  • greater understanding of the organization's processes
  • clear responsibilities and authorities agreed for all staff
  • improved use of time and resources
  • reduced wastage
  • greater consistency and traceability of products and services
  • Customer Confidence, Satisfaction and TRUST
  • Level of Assurance in Organizational QUALITY
  • Organizational PROFITABILITY
  • Ability to Differentiate Organization for Competitive Advantage
  • Organizational Credibility & Reputation

The Certification process

It also is important to keep the target market in mind. For instance, if a medical device manufacturer wants to sell in North America, it should seek certification through a registrar accredited by a North American accreditation body to ensure they will meet country-specific or customer requirements. If a consultant is required, the organization needs to be sure that the prospect has expertise in 13485, and requesting referrals from an accredited registrar also can aid in finding the right match. It is important that the consultant understands the organization's business that the consultant has dealt with organizations of a similar size before and has had experience with similar product lines.

Also, an organization should be wary of consultants that endeavour to radically change a management system that is already performing well. Steve Upton, medical device business unit manager for NQA, states, “The consultant should come in and align their knowledge with your requirements and the customer requirements, and that will work time after time.”

The steps to attaining 13485 certification are similar to those of 9001, with some type of off-site document review followed by a pre assessment and then assessment. After certification, an organization will be subject to on-going surveillance by its certification body. The duration of the assessment is contingent on an organization's scope—its size, number of personnel, and type and complexity of products manufactured.

Taking these elements into consideration, an organization can expect an assessment to last anywhere from a couple of days to more than a month.

The frequency of surveillance assessments will be determined by an organization's scope as well as its performance, though they will usually be conducted annually or semi- annually. However, organizations should expect a complete reassessment three years after initial certification. A surveillance assessment takes into account concerns such as the fulfillment of management responsibilities, the execution of internal audits and how an organization is performing in relation to the state of the industry and customer expectations.

Who can go for ISO 13485 Certification?

Companies that design, manufacture, distribute, install and service medical devices for the European and World markets.

  • Companies who manufacture OEM products which are sold under other company names.
  • Companies who design and/or manufacture medical device components or raw materials for the medical device market.
  • Companies selling, installing or servicing medical devices.
  • Consultants providing design services to the medical device market.
  • Companies providing services to the medical device market such as sterilisation, cleaning, testing, etc.

What we do

Precise Consultancy provides proven, proprietary implementation and training support to assure that your organization meets applicable ISO 13485 requirements promptly and effectively. A certified ISO 13485 Quality Management System will

  • Assure you meet all customer quality requirements
  • Improve your organization's competitiveness
  • Eliminate waste
  • Reduce risk
  • Control process variation

Precise Consultancy ISO 13485 QMS Implementation Support is loaded with advantages for your organization.

We offer choices... you decide just how much support you need.

  • Basic Support provides a process-based, documented, implemented, audited Quality Management

System (QMS), acknowledging all ISO 13485 quality requirements, ready for certification.

  • Full Support provides everything in Basic Support, plus we will train and mentor an Internal Quality Audit team for your organization.

Precise Consultancy will witness your certification audit, if you choose. Everything we provide

meets one or more ISO 13485 requirements, including

  • a quality manual unique to your organization, acknowledging all ISO 13485 requirements (no "gap assessment" required)
  • documentation and implementation support for your value
  • added quality management system
  • development of a simple, effective document and record control system
  • training of an Internal Quality Audit Team, if you choose
  • a mentored, full system audit of the new quality management system (no registrar "preliminary assessment" required)
  • corrective/preventive action support from the full system audit
  • recommendation for an economical, effective registrar, if you choose
  • our witness of your registration audit, if you choose

We take the time necessary to custom fit all applicable ISO 13485 requirements to your organization. No "consultant" is as willing and able as Precise Consultancy to take the time to build a QMS to both reduce your costs, improve efficiency, enhance effectiveness, mitigate risks and "pass the certification audit," guaranteed!

At Precise Consultancy, we always offer No-Nonsense Pricing, all expenses included. We welcome comparison! Precise Consultancy's proven, proprietary implementation and training methods assure your organization meets all ISO 13485 requirements in minimal time and at lowest cost.

Your organization is very busy... everyone wears more than one hat. Time to implement a quality management system is often limited. We take less time to get you certified. Quality system implementation is a "team sport..." however, if your organization does not have the time, we can deliver a turn-key system, guaranteed to get you certified.

Our methods never include one-size-fits-all, "cookie-cutter" approaches. ISO 13485 quality systems require process approaches, customer focus, and continual improvement. You cannot get that from a cookie cutter. Most importantly, our quality management systems improve your bottom line. "Cookie cutter" approaches do not work, and only add cost.

When we leave, the quality management system is yours, not ours. We provide all the knowledge and experience your organization needs to effectively manage and improve your certified QMS in the future.

When we are finished, your organization owns your ISO 13485 quality management system.

Precise Consultancy – a team of experienced, creative, enthusiastic quality professionals committed to building and improving quality systems while permanently reducing quality costs.

We would welcome the opportunity to work with you!

ISO 10001 - Quality Management Customer Satisfaction

What is ISO 10001-2-3-4- Customer Satisfaction System?

A happy customer makes for a happy company. When applying the customer satisfaction management standards from the ISO 10000 family, you manage and enhance customer satisfaction in a structured way. A scored assessment provides measures on effectiveness, risks and opportunities for improvement. The Customer Satisfaction standard helps organizations of all types to identify, manage and understand how successfully they deal with their customer's Customer Satisfaction / Complaints. Some examples of Customer Satisfaction / Complaints are:

Poor quality of service Inadequate handling of Customer Satisfaction / Complaints Poor communication both before and during the Customer Satisfaction / Complaint handling process. The Customer Satisfaction Scheme can apply to organizations of all sizes, in the private, public and voluntary sectors, regardless of the nature of their activities or the nature of the business. The Customer Satisfaction Scheme specifies the key requirements for handling customer Satisfaction / Complaints successfully and includes Customer Satisfaction controls to help you address customer dissatisfaction in a satisfying way within your business. ISO 10001-2-3-4:2004 Customer Satisfaction System provides guidance on the process of Customer Satisfaction / Complaints handling related to products within an organization, including planning, design, operation, maintenance and improvement. The Customer Satisfaction / Complaints handling process described is suitable for use as one of the processes of an overall quality management system. The international standard provides a framework that the information obtained through the Customer Satisfaction / Complaints handling process can lead to - Improvement in products and process Improve the reputation of organization Customer Satisfaction / Complaint Management System compliant to ISO 10001-2-3-4:2004 is relevant to any organization that wishes to exceed customer expectations, a basic requirement for businesses of all types and sizes, whether they're in the private, public or voluntary sectors. ISO 10001-2-3-4:2004 is not applicable to disputes referred for resolution outside the organization or for employment-related disputes.


Benefits of ISO 10001-2-3-4:2004 – Customer Satisfaction System

Customer Confidence:

By adopting the management system, ability to retain the loyalty of customers is enhanced. Customers feel confident of commitment for the resolution & redressal of any of their query or Customer Satisfaction / Complaints.

Improved Efficiency:

Implementation and certification ensures a consistent process to handle customers, which enable to identify causes and eliminate the causes of Customer Satisfaction / Complaints, as well as improve organization's operations.

Better Relationship:

System helps to adopt a customer-focused approach to handle analysis and review Customer Satisfaction / Complaints and encourage personnel to improve their skills & behaviour in working with customers.

Continual improvement:

It provides a basis for continual improvement and analysis of Customer Satisfaction / Complaints-handling process, redressal of Customer Satisfaction / Complaints with improvements to be made.

Transparent System:

Provide complainants with an open, effective and easy-to-use Customer Satisfaction / Complaints process.

Auditable System:

Customer Satisfaction / Complaint management system is auditable, thus auditing of the Customer Satisfaction / Complaints-handling process gives accuracy of the system compliance.


It is developed as guidance for an organization's Customer Satisfaction / Complaints handling process. It can be used alone or in conjunction with ISO 9001- Quality Management System of Organization.

 Requirements of ISO 10001-2-3-4-2004 Customer Satisfaction / Complaint management system

ISO 10001-2-3-4 provide an integrated framework for managing and improving your customers' satisfaction.

These four standards within the ISO 10000 family address four different areas:

  • ISO 10001 – code of conduct. This ethical code of conduct consists of promises and obligations related to product or service delivery, product returns or complaints, handling of personal information of customers, advertising and stipulations concerning particular attributes of a product/service or its performance.
  • ISO 10002 – complaint-handling processes. Guidance for the design and implementation of processes for all types of commercial or non-commercial activities, including electronic commerce.
  • ISO 10003 – external dispute resolution. Addresses resolution of product/service-related complaints that have not been resolved by the organization.
  • ISO 10004 – monitor and measure. Guidance on how to monitor and measure your company's customer satisfaction performance.

The standard on compliant handling process eight clauses. The first three are scope, normative reference, and terms and definitions. The other five are:

Guiding principles. The general notions upon which the processes for handling Customer Satisfaction / Complaints should be built. They include visibility accessibility, responsiveness, objectivity, free-of-charge to complainants, confidentiality, customer focused approach and accountability.

Customer Satisfaction / Complaints-handling framework. An explanation of why organizations should commit to effective Customer Satisfaction / Complaints handling, and the associated responsibilities and authority. It also describes considerations for developing a Customer Satisfaction / Complaints-handling policy.

Planning and design. A description of how an organization can plan and design an effective Customer Satisfaction / Complaints handling process.

Operation of the Customer Satisfaction / Complaints-handling process. Guidance for operating the process, from receiving a Customer Satisfaction / Complaint through closing the issue after completion.

Maintenance and improvement. Guidance on gathering and using Customer Satisfaction / Complaints data, monitoring performance of the Customer Satisfaction / Complaints- handling process, auditing the process to ensure it meets the organization's requirements and continually improving it.

How to achieve ISO 10001-2-3-4:2004 compliance & Certificate-ISO10001-2-3-4:2004 implementation /Certification steps:

Precise Consultancy offers a well defined and globally proven implementation methodology for ISO 10001-2-3-4:2004 certification.

  • Gap Analysis
  • Awareness Training
  • Documentation Design and finalization
  • Implementation
  • Internal Auditor Training and conduct of internal audit
  • Management Review Meeting
  • Review of Implementation
  • Pre-assessment audit
  • Stage 1 – certification audit
  • Stage 2 – certification audit
  • Award of ISO 10001-2-3-4 certification
  • Continual improvement of the system through value added consulting and training services
  • Continual improvement of the system through value added consulting and training services

What we offer in the field of ISO 10001-2-3-4 standard implementation compliance and consulting

As one of the largest quality management system certification consulting companies across the world with clients in more than 7 countries, our knowledge and experience of the standards is unsurpassed. We understand how to fully exploit the benefits of your quality management system to ensure you unlock the true potential in your organization.

We provide unmatched expertise and technical competence to ensure that your ISO 10001-2-3-4 certification project adds value to your organization.

We provide consulting, training, internal audits, pre assessment audits and facilitation during ISO 10001-2-3-4 compliance process.

We offer our global knowledge moulded locally to bring in the best results for our clients and partner their journey of standardization, compliance, growth, success and continual improvements.

Contact us now, to get your organization ISO 10001-2-3-4 complied in the most effective and efficient manner while realizing the true benefits of the certification using our specialized ISO 10001-2-3-4 implementation methodology that is less time consuming, fast, easy to understand and implement, result oriented, time bound and cost effective. Get ISO 10001-2-3-4 compliance now with us….

ISO 10002 - Quality Management Complaints Handling

ISO 10002 provides guidance on the process of complaints handling related to products within an organization, including planning, design, operation, maintenance, and improvement. The complaints-handling process described is suitable for use as one of the processes of an overall quality management system.

ISO 10002 is not applicable to disputes referred for resolution outside the organization or for employment-related disputes.

It is also intended for use by organizations of all sizes and in all sectors. Annex A provides guidance specifically for small businesses.

ISO 10002 addresses the following aspects of complaints handling:

  • enhancing customer satisfaction by creating a customer-focused environment that is open to feedback (including complaints), resolving any complaints received, and enhancing the organization's ability to improve its product and customer service;
  • top management involvement and commitment through adequate acquisition and deployment of resources, including personnel training;
  • recognizing and addressing the needs and expectations of complainants;
  • providing complainants with an open, effective, and easy-to-use complaints process;
  • analyzing and evaluating complaints in order to improve the product and customer service quality;
  • auditing of the complaints-handling process;
  • reviewing the effectiveness and efficiency of the complaints-handling process.
ISO 20000 - Information Technology Service Management


ISO/IEC 17025 is the main standard used by testing & calibration laboratories. Originally known as ISO/IEC guide 25,ISO/IEC 17025 was initially issued by the international organization for the standardization in 1999. It was first published in 2001 & on 2005.

ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 can be used by:

  • an organization seeking services from service providers and requiring assurance that their service requirements will be fulfilled;
  • an organization that requires a consistent approach by all its service providers, including those in a supply chain;
  • a service provider that intends to demonstrate its capability for the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services that fulfil service requirements;
  • a service provider to monitor, measure and review its service management processes and services;
  • a service provider to improve the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services through the effective implementation and operation of the SMS;
  • An assessor or auditor as the criteria for a conformity assessment of a service provider's SMS to the requirements in ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011.

Benefits of ISO 20000 Implementation and Certification:

Implementation of ISO 20000 brings with it many benefits and advantages. These will of course differ from organization to organization. However, the following list is a pretty good representation of the common results:

  1. Alignment of information technology services and business strategy.
  2. Creation of a formal framework for current service improvement projects
  3. Provides a benchmark type comparison with best practices
  4. Creates competitive advantage via the promotion of consistent and cost-effective services.
  5. By requiring ownership and responsibility at all levels, it creates a progressive ethos and culture.
  6. Supports 'interchanging' of service providers and staff by virtue of the creation of inter-enterprise operational processes.
  7. Reduction of risk and thus cost in terms of external service receipt
  8. Through the creation of a standard consistent approach, aids major organizational changes.
  9. Enhanced reputation and perception
  10. Fundamental shift to pro-active rather than re-active processes
  11. Improved relationship between different departments via better definition and more clarity in terms of responsibility and goals.
  12. Creation of a stable framework for both resource training and service management automation.

What are the typical Project Steps leading to ISO 20000 Certification?


Communicate the goals and benefits of the ISO 20000 certification and the approach for achieving ISO 20000 compliance. This step should include giving everyone in your IT organization at least a basic understanding of the standard and broad level requirements.


If you want to limit the scope of your ISO 20000 certificate: Decide what parts of the organization, what services and/ or what locations shall be covered by the ISO 20000 certificate.


Determine gaps between today's situation and the standard's requirements; this can be done by an external advisor like us, but there is also an "IT Service Management Self-Assessment Workbook" published by us which can be purchased and used by your organization.

The result of this step is a detailed list of the ISO 20000 requirements where conformant and non-conformant areas are identified. For non-conformant areas the list includes the findings on what exactly the shortcomings are and how they can be addressed.


Establish a project board. Choose a project manager and project staff. Determine the necessary resources, prepare a project plan and assign tasks. Choose a certifier and an experienced external advisor.


Close the gaps identified during the initial ISO 20000 assessment – usually the most time-consuming part of an ISO 20000 certification initiative, because (depending on the level of compliance found during the initial assessment) a considerable number of processes may need to be modified or introduced.

During preparation for the ISO 20000 audit, an inventory of requirements, documents and records helps to keep track of what requirements are already fulfilled and what related evidence (documents and records) is in place.


The actual ISO 20000 audit must be carried out by an external certifier from a Registered Certification Body (RCB, an organization which has been granted permission to operate under the it SMF ISO/IEC 20000 Certification Scheme).


After the initial certification, a renewal of the ISO 20000 certificate is due every three years, with intermittent assessments every 6 to 12 months.

Make sure that you continue to adhere to the standard and put a strong emphasis on continual service and process improvement.

What services we provide you leading to ISO 20000 Certification?

Our proven approach to IT Service Management addresses people, process, and technology by combining international standards such as ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) with best practices derived from hundreds of engagements.

  • We can offer your complete turnkey start to finish covering all the modules.
  • We can conduct initial gap analysis.
  • We provide awareness, documentation, implementation, internal auditor and lead auditor training for ISO 20000 standard.

We can provide liaison services with the certification body on your behalf to plan, schedule and successfully complete the ISO 20000 audit and certification project.

We work with you to:

  • Develop a service-oriented infrastructure with an enterprise service catalogue and aligned applications.
  • Optimize data center processes, organization, and financial management.
  • Create a data management strategy to classify critical data, align applications to service tiers, and automate information handling.

We help your IT organization to:

  • Reduce operational costs by an average of 15 percent.
  • Increase storage utilization to more than 70 percent.
  • Align service levels with business requirements.
  • Improve your ability to manage more information without increasing staff.
  • Increase the value of information by making it available, re-usable, and secure.
ISO 37001 - Anti-bribery Management System

The new international standard for anti-bribery management systems was published on 15th October. Organizations seeking to do business worldwide, especially in emerging markets, can now look to an internationally recognized approach to anti-bribery compliance for guidance.

The International Organization for Standardization (“ISO”) says that “ISO 37001 is designed to help your organization implement an anti-bribery management system or enhance the controls you currently have. It helps to reduce the risk of bribery occurring and can demonstrate to your stakeholders that you have put in place internationally recognized good-practice anti-bribery controls”.

An organization seeking to become certified should adopt a series of measures such as:

  • Adopting an anti-bribery policy and appointing someone to oversee compliance;
  • Planning and achieving anti-bribery objectives;
  • Assessment of bribery risks;
  • Leadership and commitment from top management;
  • Operational controls and due diligence;
  • Instituting reporting and investigation procedures;
  • Competence assurance and training of personnel;
  • Performance evaluation, including audit and review.

Implementing your anti-bribery management system in this way will help to reduce the risk of bribery occurring and can demonstrate to your management, owners, funders, employees and other business associates that you have put in place an internationally recognized system for the prevention and detection of bribery. When preparing to sell your business it can also go some way to reassure prospective buyers that your anti-bribery systems are robust enough to reduce the risk of bribery occurring within your organization.

The standard contains detailed guidance on the performance of third party due diligence, an essential element of any effective anti-bribery program. It recommends that “due diligence procedures implemented by the organization on its business associates should be consistent across similar bribery risk levels”, so business associates in locations or markets with a higher risk of bribery would need a significantly higher level of due diligence than those in low bribery risk locations or markets.

ISO 37001 applies to small, medium and large organizations in all sectors, anywhere in the world, so it is easy to see how it could make due diligence simpler as more and more organizations seek to become certified. As the interest in doing business in emerging markets grows, where bribery risks are likely to be higher, carrying out due diligence on potential business associates in those markets may become less of a headache if they start using the standard as a benchmark for implementing their own anti-bribery systems.

The benefits of a certified ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System
ISO 37001 certification enables you to protect and preserve the integrity of your organization by:

  • Opening your organization to external scrutiny of the effectiveness of your anti-bribery policies and processes.
  • Demonstrating compliance to relevant legislation such as the Bribery Act 2010.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to monitor and manage risk throughout your organization and supply chain.
  • Ensuring that suppliers, sub-contractors and agents are committed to anti-bribery best practice.
ISO 28000 - Security Management System for Supply Chain

Addresses potential security issues at all stages of the supply process, specifically within the logistics area.

ISO 28000 was first launched in 2007 and was the first international standard addressing supply chain security risk.
The standard's purpose is to provide a best practice framework to reduce risks for people and cargo within the supply chain. It addresses potential security issues at all stages of the supply process, specifically within the logistics area, targeting threats such as terrorism, fraud and piracy. It is also focusing on mitigating effects of security incidents.
The structure of ISO 28000 is similar to the one for ISO 14001, and also has common elements with other major management system standards, like ISO 9001. This is an advantage for organizations looking for integration of the security aspects into their existing management system.


ISO 28000 focuses on actively managing and reducing risks. Aspects critical to security in the supply chain may include financing, manufacturing, information management and transportation, in-transit storage and warehousing of goods.

The standard is applicable to organizations of all sizes in manufacturing, service, storage or transportation at any stage of the production or supply chain.

ISO 29990 - Learning Services for Non Formal Education & Training

ISO 29990:2010 (Learning services for non-formal education and training - Basic requirements for service providers) is a international standard to enhance transparency and allow comparison on a worldwide basis of learning services, providing a single substitute backed by international consent to the huge range of national service and management standards which now exists in the field of non-formal learning.

ISO 29990:2010 is the first standard developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 232, Learning services for non-formal education and training.

Non-Formal education and training-providers shall consider the effectiveness of training through well recognizing of their customers’ expectations and this requires them to be more interacting with their customers and also their delegates. While understanding and designing the training services to meet their customers’ expectations, they also need to evaluate, monitor and improve their competency to deliver a high quality services by regularly measuring the effectiveness of their customers.

ISO 29990 is basically subdivided into two areas: learning services and management at the learning service provider. This Standard is the first Standard for learning providers that is valid and applied on an international level.

The importance of education and training has increased considerably over recent years – and the number of service providers in this area has also grown. PGCS is now helping & offering certification according to ISO 29990:2010, which will help you, demonstrate the quality of your services and stand out from the crowd. ISO 29990 is a quality management system standard for education and training which concentrates on learning and improvement of the learning process. The standard is of interest to teachers and students and all those who are interested in successful education and training. This new standard differs from its predecessors in the sector because it applies internationally.

Benefits for service providers

  • Successful certification provides proof of quality.
  • Greater success when tendering for work from official bodies.
  • Better starting position for approval.
  • International marketability.
  • Process optimization (P-D-C-A).
  • Clearly defined and documented processes.
  • Development of internal quality capability.
  • Motivation and active staff participation in the change processes.

Benefits for learners

  • Transparency/comparability of services on offer.
  • Transparency/comparability across national borders.
  • Reliability of training courses on offer.
  • Information on evaluation criteria for courses.
  • Optimized processes.
  • Improved learning environment.
  • Assured resources, including trainers, with suitable competence.

Benefits for international cooperation

  • Common quality basis through unified standards/common understanding of quality.
  • No distortion of the competitive market.
  • International comparable benchmarks for development of quality.
  • Basis for development of further specific requirements for international cooperation in the area of Education and training.
ISO 27001 - Information Security Management System

ISO 27001: 2013 Information Security Management System (ISMS)

WHAT IS ISO 27001:2013 ISMS?

The ISO 27001 is an Information Security Management System (ISMS) standard published in 2013 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electro technical Commission (IEC). Its full name is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 – Information technology -Security techniques -- Information security management systems – Requirements, but it is

commonly known as "ISO 27001".

The ISO 27001:2013 ISMS provides a framework for developing or enhancing organization's information security needs and helps to proactively identify, manage and reduce the range of threats to which information is regularly subjected. It enables an organization to develop and maintain an integrated system that assures effective accessibility, confidentiality, and integrity of written and electronic data. The objective of the ISO 27001:2013 standard is to "provide a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an Information Security Management System".

ISO 27001 is applicable to any organization where the misuse, corruption, or loss of its business or customer information could result in financial, continuity, or legal implications. The information may be printed or written on paper, stored electronically, transmitted by post or email, shown on films, or spoken in conversation, whatever form the information takes, or means by which it is shared or stored, ISO 27001 helps an organization ensure it is always appropriately protected. Industries as diverse as finance, government, information technology,

medical, and consumer services can incorporate the ISO 27001 standard into their business practices.

The ISO 27000 family of series is a comprehensive set of emerging standards for managing information security. It consists most notably the ISO 27001:2013 standard (formerly known as BS 7799-2:2002), this is the 'specification for an information security management system' covering the requirements for implementing ISO 27001 in any organization. Other standards included in the series are ISO 27002:2013 (rename of the ISO 17799 standard; which itself was formerly known as BS7799-1) which provides guidelines and code of practice for implementation of ISO 27001.

Providing ISO 27001 consulting, Training, Implementation and Certification facilitation services across the world.

BENEFITS OF ISO 27001:2013

  • Improved reliability
  • Increased profits
  • Reduced costs
  • Compliance with legislation
  • Improved customer relationships
  • Demonstrates due diligence
  • Global acceptance
  • Lower rates on insurance premiums
  • Reduced liability
  • Improved management
  • Focused staff responsibilities
  • Better awareness of security
  • Mechanism for measuring the success of the security controls


  • Information Risk Assessment
  • Implementing risk management strategies
  • Internal Audits
  • Management Review
  • ISMS Improvement
  • Information Security Policy
  • Information Security Organization
  • Asset Management
  • Human Resources Security
  • Physical & Environmental Security
  • Communications & Operations Management
  • Access Control
  • Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Maintenance
  • Information Security Incident Management
  • Business Continuity Management
ISO 50001 - Energy Management System

WHAT IS ISO 50001 / BS EN 16001:2009 STANDARD?

Standard for Energy Management (ISO 50001 / BS EN 16001:2009) provides the most robust framework for optimizing energy efficiency in organizations. The standard provides a comprehensive set of controls designed to help organizations establish the systems and processes necessary to improve energy efficiency. ISO 50001 / BS EN 16001provide a structure for continuous improvement of an organization's energy efficiency and sustainable use. It is a framework for the systematic management of energy as well as enhancing energy efficiency. An EnMS can cut costs and reduce carbon emissions providing a competitive advantage. ISO 50001 / BS EN 16001 represents the latest best practice in energy management, specifying the requirements for an EnMS to enable the organization develop and implement a policy, identify significant areas of energy consumption and target energy reductions. The aim of the standard is to put practices in place that are effective, and result in measurable energy savings. In practice, an effective energy management system should result in organizations taking action to improve energy efficiency, continual improvement year-by-year and an improved performance in energy usage, thorough analysis of areas with potential for energy saving being carried out. Energy management is one of the most effective measures that business can take to reduce operational costs, improve its competitiveness and demonstrate to industry that it is operating in a sustainable way. A key way to achieve this is through implementation of an energy management system framework based on standardized best practice such as ISO 50001 / BS EN 16001. It is intended to apply to all types and sizes of organizations and can be used independently of, or integrated with, any other management system.


  • Improve energy performance in a systematic way
  • Establish, implement, maintain and improve an energy management system
  • Ensure that it conforms with its stated energy policy
  • Demonstrate such conformance to others
  • Seek certification of its energy management system by an external organization
  • Make a self-evaluation and self-declaration of conformance with the standard.



  • Energy policy statement
  • Identification of significant energy aspects
  • Establishment of energy objectives & targets
  • Implementation plan to meet energy objectives & targets
  • Identifying competence and training requirements
  • EnMS Documentation
  • EnMS Internal audit
  • Management review
ISO 31000 - Risk Management System


Risk management is an increasingly important business driver and stakeholders have become much more concerned about risk. Risk may be a driver of strategic decisions, it may be a cause of uncertainty in the organization or it may simply be embedded in the activities of the organization.

An enterprise-wide approach to risk management enables an organization to consider the potential impact of all types of risks on all processes, activities, stakeholders, products and services. Implementing a comprehensive approach will result in an organization benefiting from what is often referred to as the 'upside of risk'

ISO 31000 provides generic guidelines for the design, implementation and maintenance of risk management processes throughout an organization.

It is a framework that can be integrated across various industries and regions and adopted by any organization – including public, private, not-for-profit and government organizations.

The scope of this approach to risk management is to enable all strategic, management and operational tasks of an organization throughout projects, functions, and processes to be aligned to a common set of risk management objectives.

ISO 31000 was published as a standard on the 13th of November 2009, and provides a standard on the implementation of risk management. The purpose of ISO 31000 is to be applicable and adaptable for "any public, private or community enterprise, association, group or individual. Accordingly, the general scope of ISO 31000 - as a family of risk management standards - is not developed for a particular industry group, management system or subject matter field in mind, rather to provide best practice structure and guidance to all operations concerned with risk management.


ISO 31000 provides generic guidelines for the design, implementation and maintenance of risk management processes throughout an organization. This approach to formalizing risk management practices will facilitate broader adoption by companies who require an enterprise risk management standard that accommodates multiple 'silo-centric' management systems.

Accordingly, ISO 31000:2009 is intended for a broad stakeholder group including:

  • executive level stakeholders
  • appointment holders in the enterprise risk management group
  • risk analysts and management officers
  • line managers and project managers
  • compliance and internal auditors
  • Independent Practitioners


For all types of organizations, there is a need to understand the risks being taken when seeking to achieve objectives and attain the desired level of reward. Organizations need to understand the overall level of risk embedded within their processes and activities. It is important for organizations to recognize and prioritize significant risks and identify the weakest critical controls.

When setting out to improve risk management performance, the expected benefits of the risk management initiative should be established in advance. The outputs from successful risk management include compliance, assurance and enhanced decision-making. These outputs will provide benefits by way of improvements in the efficiency of operations, effectiveness of tactics (change projects) and the efficacy of the strategy of the organization.

A successful risk management initiative can affect the likelihood and consequences of risks materializing, as well as deliver benefits related to better informed strategic decisions, successful delivery of change and increased operational efficiency.

Other benefits include reduced cost of capital, more accurate financial reporting, competitive advantage, improved perception of the organization, better marketplace presence and, in the case of public service organizations, enhanced political and community support.

Risk management is a process which provides assurance that:

  • objectives are more likely to be achieved;
  • damaging things will not happen or are less likely to happen; beneficially things will be or are more likely to be achieved.

It is avoiding risk. The aim of risk management is not to eliminate risk, rather to manage the risks involved in all activities to maximize opportunities and minimize adverse effects.

Good risk management provides upward assurance from business activities and administrative functions, from department to faculties, to the senior management team and ultimately to the governing body.

The potential benefits from risk management are:

  • supporting strategic and business planning;
  • supporting effective use of resources;
  • promoting continuous improvement;
  • fewer shocks and unwelcome surprises;
  • quick grasp of new opportunities;
  • enhancing communication between Organizations and


  • reassuring stakeholders;
  • helping focus internal audit program;


Risk management is a process that is under-pinned by a set of principles. Also, it needs to be supported by a structure that is appropriate to the organization and its external environment or context. A successful risk management initiative should be proportionate to the level of risk in the organization (as related to the size, nature and complexity of the organization), aligned with other corporate activities, comprehensive in its scope, embedded into routine activities and dynamic by being responsive to changing circumstances.

This approach will enable a risk management initiative to deliver outputs, including compliance with applicable governance requirements, assurance to stakeholders regarding the management of risk and improved decision making.

The impact or benefits associated with these outputs include more efficient operations, effective tactics and efficacious strategy. These benefits need to be measurable and sustainable.

  1. Creates and protects value

Good risk management contributes to the achievement of an agency's objectives through the continuous review of its processes and systems.

  1. Be an integral part of organizational processes

Risk management needs to be integrated with an agency's governance framework and become a part of its planning processes, at both the operational and strategic level.

  1. Be part of decision making

The process of risk management assists decision makers to make informed choices, identify priorities and select the most appropriate action.

  1. Explicitly address uncertainty

By identifying potential risks, agencies can implement controls and treatments to maximize the chance of gain while minimizing the chance of loss.

  1. Be systematic, structured and timely

The process of risk management should be consistent across an agency to ensure efficiency, consistency and the reliability of results.

  1. Based on the best available information

To effectively manage risk it is important to understand and consider all available information relevant to an activity and to be aware that there may be limitations on that information. It is then important to understand how all this information informs the risk management process.

  1. Be tailored

An agency's risk management framework needs to include its risk profile, as well as take into consideration its internal and external operating environment.

  1. Take into account human and cultural factors

Risk management needs to recognize the contribution that people and culture have on achieving an agency's objectives.

  1. Be transparent and inclusive

Engaging stakeholders, both internal and external, throughout the risk management process recognizes that communication and consultation is key to identifying, analyzing and monitoring risk.

  1. Be dynamic, iterative and responsive to change

The process of managing risk needs to be flexible. The challenging environment we operate in requires agencies to consider the context for managing risk as well as continuing to identify new risks that emerge, and make allowances for those risks that no longer exist.

  1. Facilitate the continual improvement of organizations

Agencies with a mature risk management culture are those that have invested resources over time and are able to demonstrate the continual achievement of their objectives.

 Attributes to Enhance Risk Management.

Enhanced risk management should have five attributes;

  • Emphasis on continuous improvement through setting organizational performance goals, measurement, review, and modification of processes, systems, resources, capability and skills.
  • Comprehensive, defined and accepted accountability for risks, controls and treatment tasks. Identified individuals accept, are appropriately skilled, and have adequate resources to check controls, monitor risks, improve controls and communicate about risks and management to interested parties.
  • Decisions at all levels explicitly consider risks and application of the risk management process.
  • Continual communication, visible, comprehensive and frequent reporting of risk management

performance to interested parties as part of a governance process.

Viewed as a core organizational process, considering sources of uncertainty that could be treated to maximize the chance of gain and minimize the chance of loss. Regarded by senior managers as essential for achieving organizational objectives. Governance structure and process must be founded on a risk management process.


Risk assessment involves the identification of risks followed by their evaluation or ranking. It is important to have a template for recording appropriate information about each risk. A simple description of a risk is sufficient, but sometimes there are circumstances where a detailed risk description may be required in order to facilitate a comprehensive risk assessment process.

The consequences of a risk materializing may be negative (hazard risks), positive (opportunity risks) or may result in greater uncertainty. Organizations need to establish appropriate definitions for the different levels of likelihood and consequences associated with these different risks. Risk ranking can be quantitative, semi quantitative or qualitative in terms of the likelihood of occurrence and the possible consequences or impact.

An important part of analyzing a risk is to determine the nature, source or type of impact of the risk. Evaluation of risks in this way may be enhanced by the use of a risk classification system. Risk classification systems are important because they enable an organization to identify accumulations of similar risks. A risk classification system will also enable an organization to identify which strategies, tactics and operations are most vulnerable.

Risk classification systems are usually based on the division of risks into those related to financial control, operational efficiency, reputational exposure and commercial activities.

Risk management should be a continuous process that supports the development and implementation of the strategy of an organization.

It should methodically address all the risks associated with all of the activities of the organization. In all types of undertaking, there is the potential for events that constitute opportunities for benefit (upside), threats to success (downside) or an increased degree of uncertainty.


The risk management process can be presented as a list of co-ordinated activities. There are alternative descriptions of this process, but the components listed below are usually present. This list represents the 7Rs and 4Ts of (hazard) risk management:

  • Recognition or identification of risks
  • Ranking or evaluation of risks
  • responding to significant risks
  1. Tolerate
  2.  Treat
  3. Transfer
  4. Terminate
  • resourcing controls
  • Reaction planning
  • reporting and monitoring risk performance
  • reviewing the risk management
  • Framework

Recognition and ranking of risks together form the risk assessment activity. ISO 31000 uses the phrase 'risk treatment' to include all of the 4Ts included under the heading 'risk response'. The scope of risk responses available for hazard risks includes the options of tolerate, treat, transfer or terminate the risk or the activity that gives rise to the risk. For many risks, these responses may be applied in combination. For opportunity risks, the range of available options includes exploiting the risk. Reaction planning includes business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning.

ISO 29001 - Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries (Quality Management System)

What is ISO 29001?

ISO/TS 29001:2010 define the quality management system requirements for the design, development, production, installation and service of products for the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries.

ISO 29001 specifically focuses on the oil and gas supply chain. The ISO/TS 29001 standard is based on ISO 9001 and incorporates supplementary requirements emphasising defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste from service providers.

Quality management standards specific to the oil, gas and petrochemical industry make up ISO 29001. It can function as a stand-alone certification, or incorporated with ISO 9001, the generic quality management certification for all industries worldwide. In this case, the documentation for ISO 29001 standards differentiates between the generic and industry-specific quality management standards.

ISO 29001 requirements are similar to API Q1 system specifications, especially to control features/documentation methods for conception, purchasing, training and other key company activities. They also include unique sector requirements for design, development, production, installation and product services.


Organizations involved in exploration, production, pipelines and transportation, and refining of petroleum and natural gas products.

  • Organizations involved in the design, manufacture, installation, service and repair of equipment used in the exploration, production, transportation and refining of petroleum and natural gas products.
  • Organizations that provide technical, operational and support services to the various industry sectors identified above.


A licence to trade in the oil and gas industry

For many organizations within the oil and gas supply chain, certification to this standard is necessary to secure valuable contracts and gain competitive advantage.

Enhanced brand reputation

Certification proves your commitment to industry best practice and enables you to stand out above the crowd.


The standard has been designed to be compatible with other existing management systems standards making integrating your systems easier.

Cost savings

Third-party certification to this technical standard will help to reduce multiple supplier audits and any associated costs.

Managed business risk

Based as it is on ISO 9001, certification also makes it easier for you to measure performance and better manage business risk.

Streamlined operations and reduced waste

The assessment focuses on your operating processes, which encourages you to improve the quality of your products and service and helps you to reduce waste, rejections and customer complaints.

Encourages communication

Like ISO 9001, this requirement scheme ensures that employees feel more involved through improved communication. Continued assessment visits can highlight any problems and uncover any issues that may be present.


We the “PGCS" are a team of highly qualified auditors and trainers having vast industrial experience. We partner organizations across the world to achieve ISO / TS 29001 certification. Our consulting approach is highly professional, time bound and effective resulting in ease of implementation and adds value to the business processes of the client organization. We provide ISO 29001 training, and certification services in Pakistan & other countries.

Organic Certification

Organic certification is a certification process for producers of organic food and other organic agricultural products. In general, any business directly involved in food production can be certified, including seed suppliers, farmers, food processors, retailers and restaurants. Requirements vary from country to country, and generally involve a set of production standards for growing, storage, processing, packaging and shipping that include:

  • Avoidance of most synthetic chemical inputs (e.g. fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, food additives , etc), genetically modified organism, irradiation, and the use of sewage sludge;
  • Use of farmland that has been free from synthetic chemicals for a number of years (often, three or more);
  • Keeping detailed written production and sales records (audit trail);
  • maintaining strict physical separation of organic products from non-certified products;
  • Undergoing periodic on-site inspections.

Purpose of certification

Organic certification addresses a growing worldwide demand for organic food. It is intended to assure quality and prevent fraud, and to promote commerce. For organic producers, certification identifies suppliers of products approved for use in certified operations. For consumers, "certified organic" serves as a product assurance, similar to "low fat", "100% whole wheat" or "no artificial preservatives". Certification is essentially aimed at regulating and facilitating the sale of organic products to consumers. Individual certification bodies have their own service marks, which can act as branding to consumers—a certifier may promote the high consumer recognition value of its logo as a marketing advantage to producers.

How to get Organic Certification?


  • Improving the quality of the soil is the basis of organic
  • The farms' soil must be free of prohibited substances for a minimum of three years prior to harvesting crops that will be labelled as organic.
  • The national organic program m (NOP) encourages farmers to improve soil fertility and rotate crops to naturally increase crop yields and disease resistance.


  • Organic crops are picked, cut and cleaned in the field.
  • To ensure organic integrity, certifying these operations is necessary
  • Equipment used for harvesting and processing must be cleaned and sanitized in accordance with NOP requirements


  • Packaging may occur in the field, at a facility or where a product is cleaned, canned or bagged and given a product label name or an identification number such as a UPC code
  • Organic products are verified to make sure organic integrity has been maintained through the packaging process


  • Organic crops can be processed further with other organic crops or spices
  • To ensure the organic integrity of a product has been maintained, a USDA accredited certifying agent such as CERTIFICATION BODY, must inspect these operations to ensure that they are operating according to NOP and certify their compliance.


  • Labelling is very important and complex part of NOP.

How agricultural products have been handled, processed and combined with other ingredients determines how it can be labeled organic.

  • 100% Organic= 100% organic ingredients and processing agents.
  • Organic = At least 95% organically produced ingredients, with the remaining % from the national list of allowed ingredients.
  • Made with organic ingredients = Minimum of 70% organic content with the remaining % of allowed ingredients.


  • Products are shipped to distributors or to retail stores.
  • To ensure the continued organic integrity, products must be protected from the contamination buy non-organic products.
  • Prior to loading and unloading, trucks are verified for shipping practices that maintain integrity, such as the prevention of commingling of organic and nonorganic products and impermeable packaging.


  • Products are compiled from farms, processors or other distributors to one central location in order to distribute products.
  • If organic product is repackaged, perhaps to smaller sizes, CERTIFICATION BODY would confirm that organic integrity has been maintained.


  • Similar to shipping, special accommodation must be in place to protect organic products from contamination
  • Consumers can look for the USDA organic seal and a certifier's mark such as CERTIFICATION BODY's mark, to ensure that each step in the entire organic supply chain meets the NOP guidelines.

Certification Process

To certify the desired location, the owner/ farmer is typically required to engage in a number of new activities, in addition to normal farming operations:

  • Study the organic standards, which cover in specific detail what is and is not allowed for every

aspect of farming, including storage, transport and sale.

  • Compliance — farm facilities and production methods must comply with the standards, which may involve modifying facilities, sourcing and changing suppliers, etc.
  • Documentation — extensive paperwork is required, detailing farm history and current set-up, and usually including results of soil and water tests.
  • Planning — a written annual production plan must be submitted, detailing everything from

seed to sale: seed sources, field and crop locations, fertilization and pest control activities, harvest methods, storage locations, etc.

  • Inspection — annual on-farm inspections are required, with a physical tour, examination of

records, and an oral interview.

  • Fee — an annual inspection/certification fee (depending on the agency and the size of the


  • Record-keeping — written, day-to-day farming and marketing records, covering all activities, must be available for inspection at any time.

In addition, short-notice or surprise inspections can be made, and specific tests (e.g. soil, water, plant tissue) may be requested.

For first-time farm certification, the soil must meet basic requirements of being free from use of prohibited substances (synthetic chemicals, etc) for a number of years. A conventional farm must adhere to organic standards for this period, often, two to three years. This is known as being in transition.

Transitional crops are not considered fully organic.

Certification for operations other than farms is similar. The focus is on ingredients and other inputs, and processing and handling conditions. A transport company would be required to detail the use and maintenance of its vehicles, storage facilities, containers, and so forth. A restaurant would have its premises inspected and its suppliers verified as certified organic.

Benefits Of Organic Certification

Organic Certification helps in building trust between consumers and organic farmers

  • The Certification Mark Organic is the only means to differentiate between certified Organic and Conventional foods.
  • Labels and certification marks help a consumer to recognize trust worthy organic products easily.
  • Organic certification and the logo are important marketing tools.

Organic Certification helps in getting comparatively better price.


ISO 22846 - Rope Assess System

ISO 22846 has its roots in the late 1990s, when a work item in ISO/TC94/SC4 enabled a working group (WG6) to commence a project to produce a Standard containing advice and guidance for rope access systems.

ISO 22846 was planned as a single document and much of the first draft was based upon BS 7965: 2002 , which in turn had been based upon the IRATA Guidelines (2002). A later draft of ISO 22846 formed the basis of the current IRATA International code of practice (2010), which superseded their Guidelines.

Two Parts

BS ISO 22846 comprises two parts under the general title, Personal equipment for protection against falls – Rope access systems:

  • Part 1: Fundamental principles for a system of work
  • Part 2: Code of practice

ISO 22846-1 was published in 2003 (being adopted as a British Standard in July 2012 ) and gives the fundamental principles for the use of rope access methods for work at height. It is applicable to the use of rope-access methods on buildings, other structures (e.g. on or offshore) or natural features (e.g. cliff faces), during which ropes are suspended from or connected to a structure or natural feature; and is applicable to situations where ropes are used as the primary means of access, egress or support and as the primary means of protection against a fall.

ISO 22846-2 was published much later, in 2012 (with immediate publication as a British Standard ). It expands on the fundamental principles outlined in ISO 22846-1 and gives recommendations for:

  • planning and management;
  • operative competence and responsibilities of personnel;
  • supervision;
  • the selection, use and care of equipment; and
  • advice on how to implement a ‘safe system of work’.

There may be other issues to consider also, depending upon the nature and location of the work, the competence and experience of the operatives (as well as local or regional legal requirements).

ISO 39001 - Road Traffic Safety Management System

BS ISO 39001 sets out the minimum requirements for a Road Traffic Safety Management System. Governments, road authorities, safety groups and private companies were keen to develop such a standard due to the rising number of people killed or injured on the road each year. 

PGCS helps you to understand and implement ISO 39001 to your organization for improved performance and safer working conditions and new business opportunities.