Certification Bodies provide the necessary audit for Training Providers wishing to offer GWO certified training.
Their main objective is to certify Training Providers, so that the latter are able to conduct training according to the GWO standards with required equipment in an appropriate environment. Once a Certification Body has certified a Training Provider, the Certification Body will perform a spot check at regular intervals at the concerned Training Provider. This insures that the Training Provider continually upholds the expected quality within training, environment and equipment.
Specifically, a Certification Body will examine if a Training Provider complies with the four pillars described in the Criteria for Training Providers. These are physical ressources, management systems and supporting processes, staff ressources, and training and assessments.

Certification Bodies must be accredited to ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 and must follow the general rules for accreditation when offering the service of certifying Training Providers (ISO/IEC 17021:2006). Furthermore at least two audit members must have completed and/or witnessed a full GWO course equivalent to the Training Standard the audit is performed against. For all requirements, please read the Criteria for the Certification Body.
Want to learn more?

Please read the current GWO Standards and Criteria or see our in-depth FAQ-section.

You are always welcome to contact the GWO secretariat here.
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