When I lived up north I had an Italian American boyfriend, a wonderful guy. Sadly he passed away and I moved south to be with my family. I have nothing in common http://www.hookupinsight.com/ with the men down here. I am introverted too, and bar hopping and dating sites are not my thing. If I lived near you I am sure we would have some great laughs.


I’m financially independent, in shape, every thing works, but it seems there is always something they don’t like. I’m just saying that back in my 30s women were more tolerant of a man’s flaws. This article sounds a bit bitter and resentful.

I am not lazy, but I know how to relax and have peace in my life. Because of my butt kicking on more than one front, I am pretty accepting of people and their unique differences. I am also one who is not into drama, and I prefer a simple life with some periodic adventures.

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One called me late one evening, drunk, to tell me she missed me. I went to her house to find her passed out in the floor, door unlocked. You are correct … women get angry when I try to explain why men seek younger women.

Not sure where we’ll end up in 6 more months, just trying to enjoy his company and not think of the future. Nothing I ever planned ever worked out anyway, so I don’t “plan” much anymore, just trying to enjoy life one week at a time. Just saying good morning or hello to these women is very dangerous now for us, especially if she happens to be in a very bad mood to begin with. Unfortunately many of us were just meant to be single and alone which is certainly no fun at all. For me as a man it is very hard to wake up in the morning in my one bedroom condo all by myself with so one to talk too. That is why the married people have all the advantages in the world since they’re always together most of the time going to different places and trips with one another.

The ratio here in Boise, Idaho favors women. I am moving to Raleigh, NC in a few days. I haven’t had a girlfriend in 3 years. No, I shouldn’t settle but neither should the ladies. When most of the people here are married or have a girlfriend, the odds go down. I haven’t had much luck with guys my age, in their 50s, but I never had much luck with them in my 20s, 30s, 40s.

Some of our members have told us categorically that they don’t like their city name appearing on their profiles, and they feel very passionate about this. On the other hand, many others want to see where someone lives as location is so very important to them. We’re weighing up the two requirements at the moment to see if there is some way to please everyone (but you know what they say about trying to please everyone!).

All older men and “charming” men should realize that women in their 20s and 30s are not looking for them for long term partnering. Not even short term in most instances. A lot of older men do not have their stuff together as they should.

I haven found the right one yet, but I see a lot of similar ages people getting together . And let’s remember, we have to have good qualities to offer men, too. Brig you might try dating a few men who are just a bit younger since you say you look younger. Usually how you look on the outside is how you are physically doing on the inside and we don’t all age at the same rate. Why I say just a bit younger is because sometimes, not all the time, men a bit younger are less likely to do as you say clip a woman’s wings.

Debbie relations between men and women have reached an all time low with neither trusting the other this leads to a lack of interaction and commitment ..no involvement equals no hurt. Its so bad that young men have a growing movement MGTOW ” men going their own way” basicly men will endeavour to sleep with women but thats it. Singles in some countries now outnumber couples.

Not all of us shallow, money grubbing strumpets ; but I get your fear. There are too many people–both women AND men–who just use other people for a variety of reasons. Once you’ve been taken advantage of one too many times, it is hard to trust again. But do you really want to live the rest of your life feeling that way? Maybe you can be open to love again just take financial/legal precautions when the time is right? If she loves you she’ll understand.