Here’s hoping they can remake its companion game, A Wonderful Life, and bring it to the Switch as well, and retain the connectivity between the two games. @ACNHislit Light of Hope is the most hideous, cheaply made, wannabe mobile game I have ever seen. This is INSANELY better in every way, most importantly in gameplay, but also still graphically. The graphics in Light of Hope are disgusting and eye straining.

Story Of Seasons: Friends Of Mineral Town System Requirements

Besides Pineapples, he’ll also accept Eggs, Milk, Wild Grapes, Honey and Fish. I find eggs and fish the easiest to gift him but if you’re serious about making him your beau you can save some of those profit-making Pineapples for him. Other than that Cliff, like Ran seems to love cooked food. The easiest items for you to remember to give him are Curry Rice and Grilled Fish. Other than that I’ve been getting by with Wild Grapes. The rest of the items he likes are a bit more pricey and don’t really warrant the +300LP of the items.


That being said, it also definitely looks like a simpler budget title. It’s not a marvel or a breathtaking beauty, but it also costs $39.99 instead of $60 and even then, I probably wouldn’t pay more than $25-$30. It’s a bare bones remake of a GBA game, not a new entry in the series. Still, it was a great GBA game so I’m mildly interested. But I’m much more excited about the next truly new entry in the series or Rune Factory 5. Funny thing, I would look up on the internet to do the “relationship events” for the other characters on purpose just so they would marry!

This is a big help when your stamina is getting drained from all your farming. Saibara welcomes you to his shop and tells you he wants to ask you something. He’s glad that you’ve become friends with Gray, as his grandson has few friends. You should be able to tell with how well your tools feel. He calls Gray over to his counter and tells Gray to take the rest of the day off.

He asks if you would like to grab a bite to eat, so you head out to the inn for some food. It’s as though going steady with you has started to lift the haze and reveal sunnier days ahead. It might not be much now, but someday he will become a master craftsman.

His grandpa doesn’t appreciate him and was telling him to redo the work he just completed. Gray tries every day, but he is considering giving up his training. They’re just annoying and digging down to the deepest levels of the mines is already a long and tedious process. Which is why I’m so thankful for the addition of elevators, but I would’ve had no idea that they would only be installed after gifting the goddess a certain numerous times.

I get why people pick it up and don’t get the fuss or others that play to a stopping point but for me it’s really nice to have a little groove of things to do. I actually rush to get anything required out of the way so I can take my time and enjoy the rest. For the little things that aren’t fun I usually put on some music or maybe a popcorn show in the background that makes time passing easier. Take lots of breaks and come back when you feel refreshed.

As far as I understand it, you are considered “dating” when you reach orange heart level. Every character has a schedule that they go by each day. These schedules may change with the seasons, and almost every character will have a day or two off a week where they divert from their normal path. Rain also affects how the characters schedule out their day, and on festival days, everyone but Brandon, Jennifer, & Gotts will disappear from the town. This means that you can’t talk to them or give them gifts on this day. I’m back to replaying 1 for the first time after playing all the other games released in English so far and there’s so much there that ties into everything.

I don’t see either of the livestock shops pulling that on us. If you’re the kind of gamer who likes Animal Crossing, you may well like farming simulators like this also. Of the ten friends I have who own and play Animal Crossing, only one of them hasn’t ever played Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Stardew Valley or something similar.

She loves sweets and can be gifted ice cream or cake to raise her heart meter quickly. Many of the mechanics from the original game work similarly in the remake. Particularly, Gift box, change schedule and heart events templates to our formatting for universal streamlining. I think the fartherest I have ever gotten in any farming sim was year 3, or maybe even 4.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked)In this sense, it’s easy to see how mistakes and irregularities can snowball to have much larger effects later on. In this sense, one would think to describe the gameplay loop as subtly anxiety-inducing, but the key thing that keeps it so relaxing is the fact that there’s no long-term time limit. Even if your playstyle affects your short-term profits, you will inevitably make that money back as long as you keep playing. The hook of the gameplay, then, is found in the continuous sense of discovery as you learn how to better optimize your daily routine and spending habits.

There are no clues hinting at this and not everybody would think to check the internet for answers. The graphics aren’t as terrible as I thought from earlier previews. And as others have said, as an old-school Harvest Moon fan from the very first game, the simplicity is EXACTLY what I love about the game. I know people don’t like the graphics of the new Harvest Moon games, but this remake looks very much like them. Back to Nature/Friends of Mineral Town are in my top for favourite games of all time. For example, there’s a stamina system that governs your character’s ability to work, and each use of a tool will lower your stamina by a certain amount.