It is a common thought that ISO certification is meant for large corporate businesses, but don’t be misled by this. In fact, ISO certification can be just as beneficial for small businesses as it is for large, and the standards are designed to help all different sized businesses. After all, 99% of all businesses in the private sector are small businesses!

Take ISO 9001 as an example. The Quality Management standard is a solid first standard that many companies opt for. The clue is in the name of the standard, it is designed to support your company in delivering a quality service and satisfying your customers. An obvious target for any sized company.

So what are the benefits?

Improving Tender Success

Been beat to a contract because your competitor is certified? Many organizations no longer accept bids from companies that do not hold ISO certification. By being able to show that you run an ISO system, you are more likely to be considered for a contract as you are showing that you are a professional company with a commitment to providing a quality service, no matter what your company size is. This will help you gain the edge over any competitors and level the playing field with larger companies.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

The number one target for the majority of businesses. Happy customers. As a small business, you will know that the key to repeated business is a high quality customer service. Running an ISO management system can build on your customer satisfaction by improving your running as a company. You will be able to identify and resolve customer relation issues quicker, smarter, and more efficiently before the customer even knows it. You can also prove to potential customers that you are a consistent and reliable company, through the successful marketing of your standard.

Increased Business Efficiency

When you are a small business, being efficient with your resources can be an effective way of reducing wasted time, money and effort. Running an ISO system can help you to manage your use of resource so that you can identify aspects where savings can be made and action on them. This will help your small business as it allows you to re-allocate your resources to aspects that need it more, keeping your company running smoothly.

Making Business Decisions on Facts – Not Feelings

Having a feeling something is a good idea should not be the reason you make that business decision. It is a risk and shouldn’t be gambled, especially when you are a small business. With ISO certification, you can look at the facts before you make a business decision, so you can support your choice with the appropriate figures and be able to predict the outcome.

Small businesses should seek out ISO certification if they have an ambition and willingness to grow. The benefits that can be enjoyed by your company fully outweigh the cost, solidifying the future of your company.

If you are interested in starting the ISO certification journey, please get in touch with our team on +92 55 4555545-46 or Alternatively, you can find more information about ISO certification and what standards are available here.

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